Visitor Regulations
Czech House Paris 2024
1. Introductory Provisions and Health Protection
1.1 This visitor regulations is a directive issued by the company Czech Olympic a.s., Business ID: 25268708, with its registered office at Benešovská 1925/6, 101 00 Prague, Czech Republic, a company registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, ref. no. B 5522 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "organizer"), which sets forth binding rules for persons entering the Czech House at the XXXIII. Olympic Games in Paris 2024, located at 59 Boulevard Macdonald, 75019 Paris, France, and utilizing facilities located within the premises of the Czech House, which for the purposes of these visitor regulations means the delimited spaces or spaces designated by the organizer from 26th July to 11th August 2024, designated as "Czech House / La Maison Tcheque" or "Czech House" (hereinafter referred to as the "visitor regulations").

1.2 The purpose of the visitor regulations is primarily to ensure the protection of safety, health, and property in the Czech House and also to ensure ideal conditions for the course of all sports, social, and/or cultural events (hereinafter referred to as "events") to be held in the Czech House.

1.3 Entry and stay in the Czech House is subject to compliance with the applicable legislation in the place where the Czech House is located and the internal regulations of the organizer. By entering the Czech House, each visitor expresses agreement with the conditions set out in these visitor regulations, and at the moment of entry into the Czech House, these visitor regulations become binding for each visitor for the entire duration of their stay in the Czech House. For the purposes of these visitor regulations, a visitor and/or the public means every person entering the Czech House, including members of the organizing committee, media representatives, volunteers, partners, vendors, suppliers, performers, or members of the Olympic delegation. Visitors are required to ensure continuous responsible supervision by an adult for children under 18 years of age (the organizer or persons authorized by him in the Czech House do not assume this responsibility under any circumstances). Minors without an adult will not be admitted.

1.4 The provisions of these visitor regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons entering the Czech House on the basis of a special contractual relationship with the organizer and/or its contractual partners.

1.5 The Czech House is not a publicly accessible sports event. It is about promoting and disseminating Olympic ideals and supporting the Olympic movement in connection with the celebration of the  XXXIII. Olympic Games in Paris 2024, held from 26th July to 11th August 2024, and celebrating the Olympians participating in these games.

2.Premises of the Czech House

2.1 The premises of the Czech House serve visitors for leisure activities and for participation in and observation of events held within the premises. 

2.2 The public may enter the premises of the Czech House only with a valid ticket (confirmed reservation) or with the consent of the organizer, only during visiting hours, and only in accordance with the conditions set out in these visitor regulations.

2.3 The visiting hours of the Czech House are: As per the program, ranging from 12:00 pm to midnight.

2.4 Supervision over compliance with and respect for these visitor regulations is carried out by the employees of the organizer and other persons authorized by the organizer, security service, and to the extent of their legal powers, also by the Police.

2.5 Entry to the premises of the Czech House is subject to a fee for visitors according to the current price list. Each visitor must have a ticket with a QR code in printed or electronic form on a mobile device upon entry to the premises, obtained either through the reservation system or accreditation from the organizer. A valid ticket or accreditation from the organizer must be available to the visitor throughout the visit to the Czech House; if the visitor is unable to prove their validity with a valid ticket or accreditation from the organizer, they may be asked to leave the premises without any refund. The current available capacity for entry to the premises is available at the entrance to the Czech House.

2.6 Persons who are visibly under the influence of alcohol or other addictive and intoxicating substances, persons who endanger the safety and/or health of persons and/or property located in the Czech House, or who behave inappropriately, lose the right to stay in the premises of the Czech House and may not be admitted to the premises of the Czech House and/or may be removed from the premises of the Czech House by an employee of the organizer, a person authorized by the organizer, and/or security service, without entitlement to a refund of the entrance fee. Likewise, persons who violate the rules set forth in these visitor regulations and/or who do not respect the instructions of the employees of the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or security service may not be admitted
to the premises and/or may be removed from the premises. Persons listed in this provision may also be restricted or completely prohibited from entering the premises of the Czech House on subsequent days by the organizer.

2.7 The sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age is prohibited on the premises of the Czech House. The organizer also reserves the right to completely prohibit the use of tobacco and alcoholic products during the duration of selected events held on the premises of the Czech House. Information about the special ban on the sale of tobacco and alcoholic products under this provision will always be appropriately published on the premises of the Czech House and will also be communicated to all affected persons by the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, or the security service.

3.Visitor's Responsibilities

3.1 Visitors of the Czech House are required to conduct themselves on its premises in a manner that does not jeopardize the safety and/or health of themselves and/or others, or their and/or others' property, as well as the facilities located within the Czech House, and furthermore, their behavior should not unduly restrict, endanger, or inconvenience other visitors beyond what is reasonable given the circumstances arising from events held in the Czech House. Visitors are obliged to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

3.2 Visitors of the Czech House are required to adhere to the instructions and regulations of the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or security service, as well as the instructions and regulations of the Integrated Rescue System, especially regarding the fact that a maximum of 800 persons, including staff and the public, may be on the terrace of the Czech House at one time. For this purpose, visitors may be asked to relocate to other parts of the Czech House.

3.3 Visitors of the Czech House are obliged to respect the rules arising from this visitor's code of conduct and generally binding legal regulations, as well as the rules of decent behavior and good manners.

3.4 Visitors are required to place their belongings only in the places designated for this purpose by the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, or the security service.

3.5 Visitors of the Czech House are prohibited from bringing into the premises, in particular, the following items:

a) Racist, derogatory, vulgar, or other materials contrary to good morals;
b) Weapons of any kind, as well as all items usable as weapons or other items that could endanger the safety, health, or life of visitors;
c) Corrosive, flammable, explosive, coloring, or other substances affecting health;
d) Pyrotechnics or firing devices;
e) Alcoholic beverages and/or addictive and narcotic substances;
f) Food and beverages that have not been permitted by the organizers' staff, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service;
g) Animals except for assistance dogs for physically disabled persons;
h) Materials promoting a political party or movement, or any politically oriented materials;
i) Excessive luggage (i.e., luggage exceeding the dimensions set by the rules of the organizer of the XXXIII Olympic Games in Paris 2024), including bicycles except for strollers or wheelchairs;
j) Materials promoting individuals who are not official partners of the organizer, or partners of the Czech Olympic Committee and/or the Czech Olympic Team (hereinafter referred to as "COT") for the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad in Paris 2024, and/or any other materials whose use in the Czech House area could violate the protection of Olympic symbolism. The head of the security service at the entrance has the right to decide on the prohibition of bringing in individual items.

3.6 Visitors are required to allow the organizer's staff, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service to conduct inspections of carried items and luggage to ensure compliance with the preceding provisions. If a visitor refuses to undergo the inspection and control as per this provision, they may not be admitted to the Czech House premises and/or may be expelled from the Czech House premises.

3.7 Visitors of the Czech House consent to undergo a security inspection to verify compliance with this visitor's code of conduct, including inspections of luggage, personal searches, or inspections via security frames, baggage X-ray equipment, metal detectors, and explosives detectors by the organizer's staff, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service. If a visitor refuses to undergo the security inspection as per this provision, they may not be admitted to the Czech House premises and/or may be expelled from the Czech House premises.

3.8 Furthermore, visitors of the Czech House are prohibited from:

a) Expressing, spreading, or publicly promoting racist, derogatory, vulgar, or morally
objectionable slogans or imagery;
b) Promoting any political party or movement;
c) Climbing or entering any structures and facilities in the area, especially fences, walls, barriers, lighting fixtures, trees, pillars, roofs, etc.;
d) Entering and exiting through places other than designated doors and corridors;
e) Entering areas not designated for the public;
f) Taking any audiovisual recordings for commercial purposes without prior written consent from the organizer;
g) Using drones or similar electronic devices without prior written consent from the organizer;
h) Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) outside areas designated for smoking by the organizer;
i) Starting fires, igniting or using any pyrotechnics;
j) Moving or manipulating equipment and/or facilities located in the area arbitrarily;
k) Damaging any equipment and facilities located in the area;
l) Describing, pasting, or painting any equipment, facilities, or communication in the area;
m) Engaging in bodily functions outside of toilets, or otherwise contaminating the area;
n) Moving around the area outside designated pathways or areas marked for this purpose by the organizer;
o) Entering the area without prior written permission from the organizer and/or a person authorized by them;
p) Moving around the area other than on foot, except for strollers, mechanical, and wheelchair users;
q) Acting contrary to the instructions and regulations of the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service, as well as the instructions and regulations of the Integrated Rescue System.

3.9 Visitors are not authorized to engage in any business or similar activities in the Czech House premises without prior written consent and/or contrary to the conditions of the granted written consent by the organizer, or distribute and/or sell any items to other visitors, including newspapers, magazines, publications, advertising brochures, etc., anywhere in the Czech House premises, affix advertising brochures, posters, or anything else, or store any items inside the Czech House premises without prior written consent.

4. Liability for Damage

4.1 Entry to and use of the Czech House premises are at the visitors' own risk, and visitors are obliged to conduct themselves in the Czech House premises in a manner that prevents harm to health and/or property, both their own and that of third parties.

4.2 Each visitor is liable to the organizer and/or any third party for damage resulting from their violation of the rules arising from this visitor's code of conduct and/or other binding legal regulations.

4.3 Visitors are required to promptly inform the organizer or the security service of any injuries and/or damage occurring in the Czech House premises. Likewise, visitors are obliged to inform the organizer of impending injuries and damage and/or violations or impending violations of the rules arising from this visitor's code of conduct and/or other binding legal regulations.

4.4 In the event of the evacuation of the Czech House premises or other emergency situations, visitors are obliged to comply with the evacuation order and follow the instructions of the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, the security service, and/or the integrated rescue system units.

4.5 The organizer does not assume any liability for harm to health and/or property caused to a visitor by the actions of another visitor/visitors, even in the case of intentional acts. Compensation for damages can only be claimed directly from the person/persons who caused the damage by their actions.

4.6 The organizer is not liable for damage, loss, and/or destruction of visitors' belongings deposited outside the areas designated for this purpose by the organizer, persons authorized by the organizer, or the security service.

5.Other Provisions

5.1 By entering the Czech House premises, visitors of the Czech House agree, without further notice, to the free use of their image, sound, or likeness as part of any visual or audio recording, transmission, or production of events held in the Czech House premises for commercial or promotional purposes, within the framework of displaying the whole or part of the event organized in the Czech House premises by the organizer and/or its contractual partners. Consent to the use of image, sound, or likeness under this provision is granted by visitors to the organizer and its contractual partners for an indefinite period.

5.2 Visitors of the Czech House acknowledge that the premises are monitored by a camera system with a recording duration of 48 hours.

5.3 Furthermore, visitors of the Czech House acknowledge that audio and/or visual recordings may be made in the Czech House premises for the purposes of press, radio, television, or similar reporting. For this purpose, visitors of the Czech House grant consent, by entering the event organized by the organizer or by persons making audio and/or visual recordings, to the recording and use of their likeness, images, and audio and visual recordings for the purposes of press, radio, television, or similar reporting, concerning visitors or their expressions of personal nature, and agree to their unrestricted use and dissemination, without any limitations in form, content, or scope of use, without any territorial restrictions, and without any time limitations. This consent is granted for an indefinite period.

5.4 The organizer reserves the right, in the interest of preserving the safety and health of visitors, to close the Czech House for a necessary period, especially for capacity or security reasons.

5.5 Employees of supplier companies acknowledge that entry into the Czech House premises is only possible with a supply access card and by filling out and signing a security protocol required within the Czech House premises, without which they will not be admitted to the premises. Drivers of supplier vehicles entering the premises during events, at times designated for supplies, acknowledge that representatives of the security agency will be asked upon entry and exit to/from the premises to exit the vehicle and allow the security agency representative to inspect the luggage compartment and trunk.

5.6 The organizer processes certain personal data of visitors, as the controller of personal data within the meaning of Article 4(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) ("GDPR"). By entering the Czech House premises, visitors acknowledge that the organizer processes the provided data (name, email, phone) solely and exclusively for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the organizer or with the visitor's consent. Personal data are processed only to the extent necessary and permissible. Comprehensive information on the processing of personal data within the Czech House premises in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR, including information on the purpose of individual processing activities, their legal bases, recipients of data, and the rights of visitors as data subjects, is provided in a separate document available at the website

6. Final Provisions

6.1 The organizer reserves the right to make changes to this visitor's code of conduct. In the event of any discrepancies between the language versions of this visitor's code of conduct, the Czech version of the visitor's code of conduct shall prevail.

6.2 An integral part of this visitor's code of conduct consists of: Annex No. 1: Site Plan

6.3 Rights and obligations not explicitly regulated in this visitor's code of conduct are governed by generally applicable legal regulations, in particular Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, in its valid and effective wording, with the exception of rules regulated and binding for the Czech House by French legislation.

6.4 This visitor's code of conduct shall enter into force on July 26, 2024.

6.5 Important telephone numbers:
• Firefighters: 18
• Emergency Medical Service: 15
• Police: 17
• Czech House Security, emergency: +420 271 730 622

Annex No. 1: Site Plan